Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



As some of you know we have been waiting for Lynnlee's next surgery that we were thinking would be around March or April of 2013. With her heart defect there were no definite dates but just guesses. She started getting more tired and blue in color a few weeks ago so we took her to the Cardiologist. Sure enough the doctor said Lynnlee was ready and needing her next surgery which will be the last surgery until she needs a transplant. So although the timing surprised us, we want to do what is best for Lynnlee. Yesterday she had a cardiac cath and echocardiogram to take measurements and get her ready for the big surgery that takes place tomorrow. Lynnlee is so tough and did great yesterday. She was so nice to all the staff at Primary Children's and listened to all of their instructions. She had to lay still for 6 hours after the procedure. That is not easy for a 2-year-old to do. She didn't fight but stayed in bed like she was suppose to. At first they told us she would have to stay the night but luckily everything went so well we were able to come home last night. Thank you to all of our family, friends and missionaries from my parent's mission who prayed and fasted for Lynnlee this past Sunday. We appreciate it so much!

Here she is getting ready to go back. A wagon ride is the best way to coax a kid to the OR.

On our way home!