Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Birthday Madness

Marshall's birthday normally would have started out with breakfast in bed but we had our ward Christmas party at 9:00. We did let him sleep in and when he woke up I told Lynnlee to sing him Happy Birthday and she said ok! She sang, "January, February, March, and April etc. She finished singing the months of the year song. Marshall and I were both laughing and then I helped her sing the right song. I guess we don't have enough birthdays around here.

Our ward Christmas party was fun. Marshall made me promise not to tell everyone it was his birthday.

After we went to the movies. You never know how it's going to go with a 3 little kids but they all enjoyed the movie. We never had to leave the theater. We saw Hotel Transylvania.

That night we went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Betsy came too. She's the best! i wish I had a picture from dinner but Kaden cried most of the time. Marshall and I switched off taking him out. It's Kaden's new thing to be happy all day and then cry at night. It's not every night though so I'm still not sure what's bothering him. I guess it's his way of rebelling against being a perfect child.

Luckily all the kids fell asleep on the way home.