Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Blue Treasure

One fashion I love is my large purse! It took me a few years to come around. I eventually came across this one made out of material that fits my personality. I'm always amazed at how much I can fit in here. It doubles as a diaper bag/small luggage/baby carrier (not really). When I first started using it Marshall and I referred to the big pocket in the middle as the abyss. Once something is placed in it, it is very hard to find again or rarely found again. I was out doing errands on Friday and thought it felt really heavy but I couldn't find what was adding all the weight. Today my full water bottle surfaced and I realized it was the culprit. The best is being able to put a package of wipes, diapers, formula, and a bottle in it and it looks empty from the outside. I haven't had to use the diaper bag much since I got this blue treasure. It's great for sneaking candy in the movie theater. I think I'll be using this until it falls apart.