Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Piano Man

Marshall bought me a piano keyboard our first Christmas. It has been nice but definitely not the same as a real piano. It wasn't a full keyboard either so I couldn't play most of my classical pieces. When we moved into our house I was dying to get a real piano. Have you seen how much pianos are? I had no idea and since we've moved I've realized how naive I was to the cost of a lot of things. Well, we browsed KSL free classifieds everyday and found a free piano. It's so nice to have a free piano but a few keys were not working and others out of tune. I've been playing it anyways and I've gotten so use to the off tune that when I played my parents in tune piano I thought it sounded wrong. Ha! Thanks to my amazing husband, after taking a look at it, he fixed all the non working keys and tuned the off keys. Wow! He knew nothing about piano repair until tonight. One of the keys wasn't working because there was a marble in the way, not from my kids but the previous owners. Nice! I'm so glad he took the time to fix it. Thanks Sweetie!