Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Winter Training Part 2

(Another boring post on running)
Today's long run went much better than last week. Even though I was running further it was 10 degrees warmer which made a huge difference and I didn't have to wear as many layers. I felt better overall and made sure to drink more water. Thank goodness my water bottles didn't freeze this time.

So a question I ask myself everytime I run outside is, Why don't cars get over for runners? Is it really that hard to cross the yellow line when there aren't any other cars coming? What's worse, crossing a yellow line or hitting a pedestrian? So frustrating sometimes!

It was a beautiful morning. The clouds were clearing from the storm. You could see a pink sky through some of the clouds. It is such a rush and a high to run early in the morning. Also nice to be done first thing in the morning and then spend the rest of the day with my fam.