Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Winter Training

(This is running related and would be boring for most so please enjoy the pictures and then feel free to skip this post)

This is my second time doing winter training for a race. The first time we lived in Bountiful and it was a piece of cake. It was a mild winter and I never had to layer up. This winter is completely opposite. I've run outside once since the beginning of December. Treadmill it is which isn't so bad watching show on Netflix. I enjoyed it until my long runs days went more than 10 miles. Last week I thought I was going to go crazy by the last mile. It was warmer last Saturday so I was hoping to go outside but the fog was so thick I knew it wasn't safe.

So I had to go running outside no matter what today. I drove to American Fork to run my familiar route. The car said 17 degrees. I know lots of people go running outside at this temperature but this was new to me. I had no idea how many layers to wear. I thought about skiing and kind of based my decisions on that. I started at 6:35. It was still dark so I had a head lamp on and reflective vest for safety. There was so much extra weight with all the layers and my water belt. It felt weird. So different from my treadmill runs!

Once I got going the cold didn't bother me and I felt just right. I think you have to be a runner to appreciate port-a-potties. (Must have been the temperature but I needed one by mile 3) Luckily there was one by a construction site. I was so happy to see it! After that I kept chugging along and enjoyed seeing the sky light up. I took a few pictures along the way. At one point my vision seemed blurry but I realized it was moisture forming on my eye lashes.

My body hated me by mile 9. There were spots where it was colder and it was hard to keep my face warm. My water bottles froze. Thank goodness I found a church that was open so I could thaw the water bottles and refill them. Luckily the last 3 miles were downhill. I finished and felt so tired. I felt like I had never run a day in my life and then just all of a sudden ran 14 miles. I blame that on the treadmill. I'm so glad Phil said we will have an early spring. Although after reading a little about Groundhog's Day I realized that it's only 39% accurate. Here's to an early spring so I can do more runs outside! I'm not so sure about this winter training. 10 more weeks until the Salt Lake Marathon!