Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Hands Full

Lately it has really bothered me when I'm at a public place and someone says, "Wow! You have your hands full!" It's like they are thinking, "What was she thinking having kids so close together!" Little do they know that is not how it is at all and not how I feel about it at all. I love having these three so close together because they are great friends. Sure we have our days when they fight or it's tricky keeping them all quiet in sacrament meeting but that's not how it is all the time. The good times well out way the rest.

After working three nights this week and only getting about 3 hours of sleep after each shift I was feeling pretty tired by Thursday. Thankfully I got a burst of energy that afternoon. James told me he wants to get better at the monkey bars. So we drove around Lehi looking for a park that had monkey bars, not very many have them these days. Veterans Park has monkey bars that James approved of so we parked and headed over to play. We had the best time. Everyone was playing together. James and I took turns timing each other through the playground obstacle course we mapped out. He only went on the monkey bars once. These times make having kids so worth it.

James has to do 20 minutes of reading each day and so he has been doing it on the site Raz Kids. It's the best program and he usually spends closer to an hour reading because he likes it so much. The other two love listening to him read and looking at the pictures. There's tons of books to choose from and a quiz with each to help with reading comprehension.

The best part about being a mom is that you get to do fifty jobs in one. I'm a teacher (temporal and spiritual), cook, baker, house keeper(for better or worse), artist (I draw the best stick figures!), builder (build the best forts), athlete (They think I'm fast and good at sports), magician (make things appear and told them I have eyes everywhere and amazing hearing), photographer, comedian (they think my jokes are hilarious), warden (to kids going to timeout), dentist, pharmacist, psychologist, and the list goes on. I get to sample a little bit of it all and my kids think I'm all the stuff, the best and know everything. Well, at least they do for now. That will change when they get older.

Today we made Halloween shaped sugar cookies and frosted them with yellow frosting because we were out of red food coloring to make it orange. These two are so easy to please they didn't mind. James told me yellow was still a Halloween color because that is the color of the inside of a jack-o-lantern.

James told me he had to go to time out in class. I asked him what he did and he said he was pushing his head into another boys shoulder while they were sitting on the floor. He told me he didn't know why because he didn't break any rules. He started listing off the class rules and said keep your arms and legs to yourself. I told him he broke that rule and he said he didn't because he didn't use his arms of legs, but his head. Ha ha! He cracks me up. He is always saying funny things. I'm constantly entertained.

These two are my buddies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings after James gets on the bus. On the walk home Lynnlee tells me the plan for the day. It usually includes playing together with her princess castle and Kaden taking a nap. I love our one on one time together.

James memorized his part for the primary program so fast. On Sunday morning he practiced a few times and then he and Lynnlee practiced the song a few times. They pretended to be on a stage and I was in the audience. Kaden stood by them too. During the actual primary program James did really well and did his part all by himself. Glad to know he doesn't get stage fright.

 Kaden is my buddy on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I love our time together. I love his energy and curiosity about everything.

Did you see or hear about the cover on Time magazine in August. The title was "The Childfree Life, When having it all means not having children." I'm here to say this, "The Child Full Life, When having them means having it all." Those who choose not to have children will never know the feeling of holding a newborn that is your own, the joy of seeing a child learn new things, and the sound of a little child telling you they love you. I feel so blessed to be a mom because I have it all and it only gets better!