Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Day In the Life of Two Babies at 2-months-old

A day in the life of 2 month old twins is hard to describe. It is a lot different than a day when they were a few weeks old. When they were first home from the NICU they just slept all the time during the day and only woke up when I made them wake up to eat. Night time was a different story. They would fuss all night long whether they were hungry or not. Then morning would come again and they were sleeping angels. It was like working night shift after night shift because they would keep me up all night and then I was lucky to get in an hour nap each day. It was rough.

It is still no piece of cake but I'm happy to report they will at least fall asleep at night now and sleep longer than a half hour at a time. The longest stretch of sleep is 4-5 hours. Long term it is not enough or my sleep deprived body but improvement none the less. Now they are more awake during the day and terrible nappers. They are very restless and light sleepers. Good thing they are sleeping better at night because I don't get a nap unless I have someone here to keep them happy.

It's a challenge keeping two fussy babies happy while taking care of 3 other children, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Usually they take turns being fussy and so I'm constantly consoling one of them. I guess that is better than when they are fussy at the same time and its just me left to console them.

So the morning starts at 5:30 when they are hungry and the binky is no longer satisfying. It takes about forty-five minutes to feed, change diapers and back to sleep.

It's now 6:30 and I used to try and fall back asleep but my kids get up around 7:00 so I woke up feeling way more tired and groggy. So instead I go for a quick run. This is my morning therapy where I can gather my thoughts for the day.

Once I get home I have a few minutes to shower and get ready. Then its time to get everyone breakfast, pack lunch, make sure back packs are ready, make sure Lynnlee and James are dressed, and then get ready to feed the minis again. On a good day I get them fed before James and Lynnlee head out for school so I can see them out the door but other days I send them out the door while I'm tied up. Thank goodness James rides the bus and Lynnlee carpools with my friend. I usually don't prop the minis bottles up but sometimes its what you gotta do to be able to help the others.

The minis get dressed after they eat and rarely it is an actual outfit but most the time just a onesie.

When Lynnlee doesn't have preschool these two are buddies. Sometimes they are in pjs until lunch time and just take it easy. I used to have everyone dressed after breakfast but its funny the things you let slide wen your hands are full. You realize it's not big deal if they want to be in jammies all morning. I've come to do this with a lot of things. My "No Big Deal" list has doubled or tripled. You want to eat zucchini bread for lunch? Sure! You don't want to take a bath even though you are covered in dirt? Fine with me!

Throughout the day these two eat, get diapers changed and then have some awake time. They have small windows when they smile and are happy but they haven't quite figured out how to be happy the whole time when they are awake. Then they take naps and fuss throughout the nap until it is time to eat again. It's hard to get anything done because the second I start to work on something one of them cries.

During awake time they lay on the play mat, sit in the boucer, or lay on the floor.

This is how you feed two babies at the same time. The minis eat around 8:00 when everyone is getting ready for bed. Kaden was pretending to feed his baby Tuesday night when I was getting the bottles ready.
Then he made his own feeding spot while I fed the minis.

The night ends after the minis get fed one more time at 10:30. If Marshall is home he usually feeds them so I can get to sleep.

 It's exhausting day after day and I definitely can't do it alone. Thank goodness for my mom, sisters, mother-in-law, neighbors and friends who come to the rescue. I appreciate every little bit of help!