Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Halloween 2016

The weather was beautiful on Halloween. We started off with the Halloween Parade at the elementary school.
The minis were very well behaved and Kaden didn't run off and get lost for a half hour like last year so it was a win!

Since we have a ward trunk-or-treat we don't really feel the need to stay in our neighborhood for trick-or-treating. Plus, who doesn't love trick-or-treating with cousins! I would have loved going with cousins when I was young.
Marshall and I have dressed up in past years but we didn't really get into this year. Also it wasn't as easy to think of a costume to go with the Tortoise and the Hare.
We ate pizza for dinner and headed out while it was still light. James always run with the older cousins because they are fast and efficient. Lynnlee and Kaden and the minis went at a slower pace. Sienna was finished before it got dark. She really acted the part of the story well. She was fast out of the gate and then out of energy quick. Taggart kept going with Lynnlee way longer. So funny how much the minis personalities match the Tortoise and the Hare.