Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Favorite Meal

When Jameson started his elimination diet it was so hard to find meals that didn't include dairy and gluten. We started eating more sea food because it was yummy to eat without sauce. This dish only needs coconut oil, garlic, diced onion, rice, veggies, shrimp salt and pepper. It is soooo yummy!

Now fast forward to a month and a half later when James was still having stomach problems even with all we were eliminating. I took James to a GI doctor. After explaining his story the doctor diagnosed him with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She put him on a new diet/food elimination plan. It is called FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccharides and Polyols). These foods are the most likely to trigger bad abdominal symptoms. Too bad this yummy dinner has a lot of those foods so we have had to revise this dinner.

James was eating a lot of FODMAP foods. Honey, peaches, pears, apples, watermelon, broccoli, onions, garlic, yogurt, beans, green beans, peas. So it makes sense that he wasn't seeing much relief when he was still eating foods that were causing bad abdominal symptoms.

He has been on FODMAP food elimination for 3 weeks now. Some of those foods he was already avoiding like dairy and gluten and those foods he has avoided for three months. He is a trooper!
The goal is in 1-2 more weeks he will try to add foods back one at a time and see what he can tolerate.
The good news is that he has been feeling better on this new diet. He is actually getting to school in the morning on time, mostly. He can get through school. He can make it through practice without having a bathroom emergency. We have been able to drive without stopping at a honey bucket. It's so nice to finally see some improvement.