Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lowry Grandkid Party

Grandma Lowry is truly a Christlike example. With Grandpa Lowry's passing we weren't sure if she would be up for any Christmas parties. She hosted the Lowry grand kid party with the help of aunts and uncle. It was a delicious dinner and fun spending time with family. We arrived late and sat at a table off to the side of the main table. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone at our table lives in Lehi.
We hit a milestone as far as babysitting goes. James watched our kids at our house. We also invited Bonnie's, Beckie's and Miranda's kids to our house. So there were 14 kids at our house and no adults. The house was still in good condition when we got home. 😄

Aunt Barb made a dozen or more bears out of Grandpa Lowry's shirts. These are two of those bears.