Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Petsmart Training

I am a visual learner so reading a dog training book wasn't enough for me to know how to train Chewie.  Instead I took a training class at Petsmart. It was a six week class.  He learned the basic skills such as focusing, sitting, walking with a leash, take it, leave it, drop it, wait, shake, lay down, etc.


We have learned that puppies hit adolescence at 5 months and they are in that stage until 15 months. They are totally like teenagers. He rebels a little bit here and there. He has been potty trained for a couple of months now but every now and then he will have an accident on the carpet. Anything that he once did he may or may not want to do just like a teenager. :)
He still is good with all of the kids and whatever they want him to do thankfully.

Every Sunday Tag and Chewie snuggle.

Chewie raising his hand...

Lynnlee came with to most of the classes. She and I traded off going in the training area since we both couldn't be in there at the same time. He trained really well for each of us. 

He graduated this past week and got a diploma. We practiced shaking at home all week leading up to the final class. The trainer made a big deal about how she loves graduation because she shakes the dog's paw and gives the diploma. Well Chewie had been shaking really well until the exact time when the trainer asked him to shake. Then he didn't budge and she had to pick up his paw. *face palm* Thanks Chewie for showing off when it really mattered most. Ha ha!