Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Holiday Sweater

Chewie is doing much better!

*Disclaimer* If you aren’t a pet lover than you can skip the rest of this post.

Thankfully when I took him to the vet urgent care Wednesday I didn’t have to wait as long. We got to see the same vet that we saw before and that was helpful. He ran some blood tests and everything was normal. I came home feeling relieved that it wasn’t anything serious but unsure why he was so sleepy and not eating. 

We concluded that the antibiotic was making him sleepy and changing his appetite. We gave him medicine to stimulate his appetite and it worked within a few hours. He ate his food! Such a relief!

Our friend Joyce gave him the cute Christmas sweater. He went to the groomer Thursday so he definitely needs a sweater to stay warm. His fur gets matted very easily when it is so long. So he had to have his fur shaved off. He looks like a completely different dog when he has short hair.