Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Christmas Sunday

We went to church with my parent’s. Sacrament meeting was a beautiful musical program with the nativity story.
A quote by President Nelson really stuck out to me all day. “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.”
Last year I was so excited for Christmas. COVID made things so bleak so I couldn’t wait for the light and joy of Christmas. We started listening to Christmas music earlier than normal. There was so much more excitement for the whole Christmas season. 
Compare that with this year. Christmas came too fast, too much to do, so much stress, and I didn’t feel joy and excitement. 

I thought a lot about that quote and how I totally needed to dig deep this year. I needed to look past the circumstances and focus on the joy of the Savior, serving, and being an example.

The even bigger challenge is doing that all year round. Focusing on the Savior even when in difficult circumstances is a 24/7/365 type of thing. Christmas season is a small snapshot of the year and should be the easiest time to focus on the Savior and serve others. It’s like a practice month for the rest of the year. This year I learned a lot and will definitely be more excited for Christmas next year.