Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


August Birthdays

It was fun having Katie' family in town for August birthdays! Hatsuki got to see our fun but loud family gathering. The cousins loved learning some Japanese words from her. 


My dad is the sweetest. Kade took his remote control shark to show everyone. My dad wanted him to have a place to play with it. He came up with this pool using a slip n slide and curbing. He and Kade had fun driving the shark around in it.https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1qenatbkNxgJh2TyiVjMa0qKRBPemiXim 

These three were the honored August Birthdays. 


My pictures are out of order. We drove the Alpine Loop to go to Heber. We walked around Cascade Springs.
