Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Timp 5k

Lynnlee’s heart journey has been themed “treat her like she’s a normal kid.” The cardiologists have always told us that she will pace herself. Exercise and being active is a good thing and not something that she should shy away from. 

So with that advice we have let her play soccer but we struggle on what level and intensity. She really enjoys soccer so it has been hard to keep her at rec level where the team is constantly full of brand new players to the sport. Last year she moved up to AA and it worked out. More intense but not too much. 

She is staying with her team at the AA level. Her coach changed and her new coach recommended the team train and run a 5k to help condition them for the fall season.

At first I thought Lynnlee wouldn't be able to do it but decided to take her for a mile run before deciding. She did great running a mile. It was a slower pace but she did it. So we signed her up for the race.

I trained with her 3 times a week for a month. She had no problems adding distance but her pace was pretty slow. After the first two weeks of training I decided to try a different approach. I had her do a run/walk and her overall pace was way faster. It was perfect for her. She ran a faster pace for about 300 yards and then speed walked. When she speed walks it gives her heart and lungs a rest but she’s still moving forward. 

She did that strategy for her 5k and she finished a minute or two after her teammates.
I wanted to run it with her but my stupid glute and hamstring injury kept me from being able to. Marshall was her race partner and stuck with her.

Her time was 34:21. The clock in the picture is from the start of the half marathon. The 5k started an hour later.