Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Jameson’s 14th Birthday

Jameson is 14!!! This year he really wanted a running watch. He conditioned through the summer with the cross country team and could have used a way to track his distance. So I researched out the best running watch and found this Garmin was the best. 


We had bacon, eggs, and juice for breakfast.


He had practice that morning so I took Body Armor drinks to the team. His team sang to him and he felt very loved.


The rest of the day was spent at the Lowry family reunion which will be a separate post.

Jameson is a great son. He wants to do what's right, he loves going to the temple, reading his scriptures, attending church. He was the Deacon's president while in Deacons. Now he is the Teacher's president. He is a natural leader. 
He loves soccer and running. He is very easy going and kind. He loves playing the French horn and has really excelled at it. 
He is always happy and positive. He cares a lot about others and worries a lot for others. He is always aware of my mood and observes to see how the can help out. He is a great leader to his siblings. 

It's weird that he's only fourteen because he has always seemed older than he really is.