Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Gingerbread Festival

While Marshall and James were gone, the kids and I had a fun filled weekend! We stayed with my parents Friday night. It is always a fun time there. They take good care of us. We went to Dairy Keen for dinner, watched a movie, played Dr. Mario.

Saturady morning I went running and enjoyed the beautiful view of Timp.

Then we went to Wigglish and everyone got to pick out Christmas presents from Grandma Ruth and Papa Kelly.
Tag really wanted to try an accordion. My dad was super nice to help him play it. Kade got a turn too and then smiles on their face were priceless!

We got back to Lehi in time for the gingerbread festival. Lynnlee's friends Bailey and Hannah came too. Betsy met us there. It was so fun to hang out!!

We did the scavenger hunt, shopped and enjoyed the warmer temperatures. We went to this last year and it was so cold. There was a very cold wind and even though we all had warm coats on, we were still cold. This year was much warmer and I was sweaty the whole time. I would take that any day over cold.
It was so nice having Betsy's help. Lynnlee and her friends split from us to shop but Lynnlee needed me to pay for somethings. Betsy stayed with Sienna and the boys each time I went and helped Lynnlee.