Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



Lynnlee had a check up yesterday with the Cardiologist. It was full of good news. Lynnlee no longer needs oxygen when she sleeps so I am happy to send this concentrator back to the home health agency. Grateful there were no mishaps with this crazy oxygen tubing strangling her during sleep.
We can wean her off the Lasix. It helps the body get rid of extra fluid which equals making lots of trips to the bathroom. It will be nice to get back to normal. Lynnlee's heart is doing well post surgery and she can get back to normal activities. Lynnlee cheered when the doctor told her the good news. When we were walking out she said, "Mom, I'm so happy!"

I'm so grateful despite Lynnlee's heart condition that we have been so blessed other ways. Blessings that have compensated for her heart condition. Although we are given trials that are completely out of our power I have looked back and noticed all of the blessings we receive to compensate for the trials. I'm so thankful for that.