Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Thanksgiving Family Night

I love when holidays are approaching because it makes it a lot easier to think of a family night lesson and activity. Last night we told them about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it. Then we traced our hands and made turkeys. We wrote things we are thankful for on the turkey. It's always funny to hear what my kids say. James said his bike, cars, and Lightening McQueen. Then after I gave him a few hints he said family, Jesus, and church. Lynnlee started hers after James so she Jesus, family, Grandmas, and Cars.

Then we had a contest. James and Marshall vs. Lynnlee and Rose. The game was simple, which team could make the best turkey out of Halloween candy.

Lynnlee's and Rose's turkey
James's and Marshall's turkey

What's your vote? I think Lynnlee and I won but we are a little biased :)