Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life



James loves all babies. He gets so excited to see them hit milestones. He was so excited when our friend Beckham started to say words and walk. So James loves seeing Kaden hit milestones. It's so fun to see how excited he gets over the smallest things Kaden does. Kaden started eating rice cereal this week and James thought it was so cool that Kaden could have cereal too. He likes to help feed him.

More and more James wants to hold Kaden and help with him. One morning I was getting ready to take James to preschool. James and Lynnlee were in the house playing. Kaden was on a blanket in the family room. I put a few things in the car and when I came back Kaden was half way in his car seat. His top half was in the bottom of the car seat and his bottom half was hanging out on the floor. Luckily he wasn't crying. Come to find out that James wanted to be helpful and some how picked up Kaden off the family room floor and carried him to his car seat in the kitchen. Kaden is a huge baby and probably 1/3 of James's weight so I'm amazed he got that far. I thanked James for helping but told him he better wait until he gets a little older. Glad no one got hurt :)