Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Itty Bitty Basketball

We signed James up for basketball.  I didn't think it could be more entertaining then soccer but I was wrong. It is highly entertaining watching 3 and 4-year-olds play basketball. They don't quite have the coordination and they don't understand the concept. Plus they get distracted easily. Kids were running all over the place. They started scrimmaging during the second week. They didn't make them dribble but each kid got a turn taking the ball down and scoring while the other team was suppose to play defense but they were really standing next to the basketball hoop climbing all over them.

James had fun playing each time. Luckily it was never a fight to get him there. They had different stations they rotated through where they learned how to dribble, pass, defense and shoot the ball.

Lynnlee and I were his cheerleaders. Don't you just love her dimples?! I wish I had dimples like her.

This is during one of the scrimmages. James is in front of the basket.

On the last day they played a huge game of duck duck goose. James is the white blur in the middle of the picture. It is one of his favorite games so he took off as fast as he could run and caught the other little boy.