Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Dresser to Entertainment Center

I always have a list of projects that I want to do but trying to find the time to do them isn't always easy. Now that the holidays are over there is a lot more time to do projects.

I have been wanting to turn a dresser into an entertainment stand. I found this dresser at DI for $10. It had a row of drawers on top but we took them out.

At first I wanted to paint it blue but we couldn't find the right shade to match the curtains so we decided to go with a contrasting color. We chose pumpkin orange. Marshall spray painted it for us. He has been so awesome to help me complete all my projects. It's definitely opposite, bright and bold but I love how it turned out.

Now I just need to find some art work to go on the wall that ties in the blue and orange.