Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Safe Kids

Saturday was a busy day. Marshall worked on the basement and my kids had a primary activity. Then I decided to take them to the Safe Kids Expo. It was so crowded and it was Kaden's nap time so he was having a lot of melt downs. At one point he was happy for a little while playing on an obstacle course with James and Lynnlee. I saw a photographer take a picture while they were playing but I didn't think anything of it. Then a few minutes later he came over and got James's name and age. I'm amazed out of all the people there we happened to get in a picture. My kids had fun at all the booths and activities. It's nice to have a fun way to teach them ways to be safe.

Click here for the link to the article in the Deseret News with our picture. If it doesn't work then below is a snap shot of the picture and subtitle from the article.

At the Unified Police booth there was a fitness challenge with sit-ups, push-ups and jumps. These two did great and pushed themselves a lot to do more.