Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Week in pictures

Here is last week in pictures. We started off the week with President's Day and hung out at my parent's house. It's nice how easy young kids are to please on a holiday. We didn't have to do anything big, elaborate or expensive. We went to grandmas and Lucy came over and they played all day and loved it.

Kaden had a follow up on his eye Wednesday. So far everything looks good still and the plan is to take the tube/stent out in a year. Kaden was so good at the appointment and didn't have any melt downs.

Lynnlee and I having a girls' afternoon while James was at a friend's house and Kaden was napping.

Kaden camps down anywhere. Apparently he was trying to tell me he was ready for bed.

I love the weather lately. Friday we enjoyed the afternoon in the back yard.