Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Twin Hearts

I had another check up this week. It is so nice getting an ultrasound each appointment. I have the best doctor, not all doctors do that with twins. Everything went well and both babies look great. The view of this picture is looking down at their hearts. We could see both hearts so well even though they are so little. We see a specialist in a few weeks to find out their gender and get a complete check through all of their organs. With Lynnlee's history we get a really thorough ultrasound on each heart. That will be nice to get some peace of mind.

I can't believe how big I am this time. I'm 15 weeks but my belly is the size when I was 19 weeks with one baby. So crazy!  I found this comic yesterday and it pretty much demonstrates how I feel most days.

 It's worth it in the end though. Every time I hold babies at work I get excited to have my own.