Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


March Birthday Beauties

Birthdays are fun for my kids because they get to celebrate with our little family on the day of their birthday and then there is always a family party with my parents and siblings to celebrate as well. This year Lynnlee even gets a party with friends so she is one spoiled girl. With so many parties spread out over the next week, she is confused on which day is actually her birthday. Each day she wakes up and asks me if its her birthday.

She was so excited for the party at my parent's house because she got to have a barbie cake.
She shares her birthday month with Aunt Ali and Aunt Angeline. When I told her that she said, "I love them!"

Lynnlee and her cousin Ashlyn.

After dinner the kids wanted to dress up and Aunt Ali joined in the fun by dressing up in her duct tape gown from her Junior Prom. The boys wanted to be princes but since we didn't have dress ups for them we tied black garbage bags around them as capes and told them they were super heroes who save princesses. They were excited about that.

I'm excited for the week ahead to celebrate Lynnlee's 4th birthday!