Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Not Identical

We have been anticipating our ultrasound last week since the day I found out I was pregnant. I kept trying to talk Marshall into going to a fetal photos place at the mall at 16 weeks so we could find out the genders sooner but there was no convincing him.

The good thing about waiting is that it made the real ultrasound very exciting. James, Lynnlee, Kaden and my mom came back to the ultrasound room with Marshall and me. I was hoping Kaden and my mom would be able to stay longer but it was during Kaden's naptime and he was very restless. Thankfully at least he was happy through the announcement of the genders and then my mom took him to Ali's so he could nap. James was excited that at least one was a boy. Lynnlee was disappointed at first since they both weren't girls and the girls are still out numbered but later was happy that she at least gets one sister. James and Lynnlee stayed with us and had fun looking at the babies spines, skulls, hearts, feet, lets, arms, etc.

The ultrasound was with a Perinatologist at Timpanogos Regional Hospital considering Lynnlee's heart history. Heart defects don't run in our family but since we've had a heart baby our chances of having heart problems double. So at first we were had a 1% risk and now we have a 2% risk of having a baby with a heart defect. We received good news all around. Their hearts are healthy, as well as spines, no cleft palate, no clubbed feet, healthy kidneys, bladders, stomachs, and brains. We couldn't be more grateful to not only have one healthy baby but two!

Baby boy is breeched at the bottom and baby girl is transverse laying across the top of my belly but their heads are together. It was really cute to see. Baby girl is very active and all over the place. They each weigh 10 ounces. They are measuring right on track for 19 weeks.

Since they are a boy and girl we can now rule out that they are not identical. My body produced two eggs and I blame it on all the running and marathon training prior to getting pregnant. I was in hyper-production mode, in my opinion.

Baby boy profile


Baby girl profile

Baby girl feet together.