Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


The Fog is Getting Thicker and Leon's Getting Larger!

Ok Peeps. I am not one to take pictures of my belly while I'm pregnant. I did not do this for my other pregnancies. I hated being in any pictures. I still don't like being in pictures with my prego belly but I have made an exception this pregnancy. Since its twins and I've been told its so different that I figured why not document it. So at the beginning of February the baby update I got for the week talked about how the babies would double in size in the next month. I was barely showing at that point and I was really nervous wondering how big and how fast. Well, here are the pictures to show that the pregnancy update didn't lie. In fact I feel like they might have tripled in size with how big I am over one month's time.
Feb 16 - 16 weeks
Feb 23 - 17 weeks
March 2 - 18 weeks
March 9 - 19 weeks
March 16 - 20 weeks
March 23- 21 weeks
Oh the looks I get right now from people are the worst. They make eye contact and then I watch their eyes stare at my belly. It's only going to get worse as I get bigger so I guess I better get used to it.

p.s. The title of this post is a quote from a favorite movie of mine, "Airplane."