Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Big Boy

This little boy is amazing! He has pretty much potty trained himself.

 About a week ago he would randomly go on the potty if we asked him to try. So I bought a bunch of underwear, potty treats and got out the frog potty. Monday morning we started out the 3-day-potty-training. Kaden was about 50% successful on day one. Day two he had less accidents and even got #2 out on the potty. That night he even woke himself up in the middle of the night to go. Day three he had no accidents and was able to keep the same undies on all day. That even includes three times going #2 in the potty. I'm amazed at how well he has done and what good timing too so I don't have three kids in diapers. The night time training has yet to be perfected but that's normal so I know he will get there eventually.

My mom watched him today while I was at the doctor and he even took himself to the potty without her saying anything to him. The only thing we need to work on is the order he does things. He likes to take his underwear off where ever he is and then run into the bathroom. This could be bad for public places.