Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Blueberry Girl

I have finally made it to 34 weeks which is the first goal and milestone. The 2nd goal is 36 weeks. Every day crawls by and I feel like I'm never going to get to the end. It's hard to stay busy to pass the time because my energy level is getting less and less.

My kids and I got snow cones to celebrate. Marshall had young mens so he wasn't able to come with us. I have check ups twice a week and so far everything looks good with the babies. I'm still dilated 2 cm. My doctor said if I go into labor they won't stop it now that I've made it to 34. I used to think I would go into labor really early but now that I've been dilated 2 cm for 3 weeks I don't know when I will go into labor. Hopefully I don't go all the way to 38 weeks. I might be the size of the blueberry girl on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and you will have to roll me everywhere. I'm to the uncomfortable stage so I feel so ready to be done but at the same time I know its best if they stay in longer so they don't have to go to the NICU. So we'll see what happens. For now I will enjoy having to pee every twenty minutes, constant back pain, fun comments and stares from strangers and not being able to bend over.