Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Good vs. Bad

The good news: we signed up for free bowling for the summer. Each kid can bowl two free games every Monday-Friday all through the summer. You have to pay for shoe rental which is the only down side. We checked it out on Tuesday and it's a nice, new bowling center.

The bad news: we went right before lunch and Kaden had a melt down after the first few minutes for the rest of the time we were there. Lynnlee wasn't much into it too so by the last game James was bowling for everyone. James was more than happy to oblige.

The good news: After bowling we went to IKEA, where kids eat free on Tuesdays.

The bad news: Kaden ran off from the kids section where they were watching a movie waiting for me to come back with lunch. The IKEA workers found Kaden and kept him safe but also called the police. I was happy he was safe but I felt like the worst mom ever and wonder why am I having twins?
***side note: I've been to IKEA countless times and left my 3 kids in the kid section to watch a movie while I get lunch and there has never been a problem and they stay put. So I did not think there would be a problem.
***Another side note: If the exhaustion of chasing a kid around a bowling alley and the emotional drama of losing your kid in a store and the police being called doesn't induce labor, then I don't know what does. 

The good news: We went to Seven Peaks the next day to have a better day. We enjoyed swimming in the cool water on a hot day. My kids stayed close by and no one got lost. Everyone was happy and there were no melt downs.

The bad news: I got some kind of stomach bug and I spent the next 24 hours near a bathroom.

Good news: Today we are taking it easy!