Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Best Mom

This post is for my mom. She does so many things for me that I often feel like saying thank you isn't enough. I hope she knows how much I truly am grateful for her!

My mom tells me that when she was growing up she didn't ever think she would be a mom. It's hard for me to believe that since she is such an incredible mom. She has taught me everything I know. I have needed her wisdom many times and love her advice especially now that I have five little ones.

My mom comes in and saves the day many times each week. She entertains my kids, cleans, folds laundry, helps with homework, feeds two babies, cooks meals, does the chores that no one likes to do but still need to get done. She comes the morning after I've been up all night working and lets me sleep. While I'm sleeping she folds laundry, plays with the kids, cleans and everything is so nice when I wake up.

Even when I don't ask her she will always clean something, tidy something, or make it look nice in my house. It is always such a relief on the days that I'm so exhausted. Thanks mom for everything you do for me!!!