Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Mini Walker

Taggart is officially walking all of the time now. He started taking steps about a month ago but was pretty spotty. One night he took steps all over between Marshall and me. Then next day he wouldn't do it at all. Thankfully he has finally decided that walking is better than crawling. He likes it so much that he walks around with a huge smile on his face. He giggles to himself and if he is so proud of what he can do. It's the best.

He is getting pretty fast. I have been trying every day to get a clear picture but I guess I need a camera with a sports setting because every picture is blurry.

Oh well, at least you can see the reaction on his face and his big smile.

He was so grumpy right before he started walking and now he is a happy baby again. Woo hoo!