Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Built Ins

Next on my project list was built in shelves around the TV. Pricing out custom built-ins was enough to know we would need to figure it out on our own. I have been googling different ways to build them but it looked very hard and time consuming. Since buying an entertainment center from RC Willey isn't in the budget I turned to KSL. I found a beautiful and sturdy entertainment center for $125! They were so heavy moving them and we had to do a couple of prep before installing them. It was an exciting but long night getting them put up. I tried out my power tool skills but drilling and sawing some holes for cords. We anchored them to the wall and mounted the TV.

The room feels like it grew in width a couple of feet.

I had fun going through boxes of books and randomness and putting them on the shelf.

I found this jar my mom gave me and put our sea shells from Florida in it.