Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Random Summer Pics

This post is an accumulation of pictures from things we did during the summer.

We like going to Seven Peaks but this has been a tricky year because everyone wants to be doing something different and it's hard to please everyone. They aren't quite old enough to split off. I miss the years where everyone just went with the flow. I'm hoping next year will be better.

James got to go to Seven Peaks a few times with friends and that was perfect for him.

Summer hair be like....

We went to the Utah Conservation Garden to help James pass off an elective for scouts. Cousins came too which made it better naturally.

Taggart and Sienna found the dress up box at Ali's.

Near the end of August we went to Thanksgiving Point. It was very crowded but amazingly enough I didn't lose anyone. I thought Taggart was the cutest hanging onto this rope.

One our way to the car they got distracted by this cool shark art thing.

These straw glasses are in the back of a cupboard and resurface every few years. They require a lot of concentration to use apparently.

Kade has a thing for hangers and leaving them in his shirts when he gets dressed.

When four out of the five kids have birthdays in July and August it's perfect for the Toys R Us birthday party. We went in August and everyone but Lynnlee got a book and stuffed animal giraffe. The worker felt bad for Lynnlee in the end and she ended up getting a book and giraffe too.

I took the minis with me to get the oil changed in the car. It took a lot longer than planned but thankfully there is a party store down the street. The time went by much faster and the minis had fun at the party store.

We went to Seven Peaks with some families from James's soccer team. One of the moms took these fun pictures.