Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Lynnlee's 11th Birthday

 Lynnlee turned 11-years-old!!! We started off the morning waking her up and giving her presents in bed. Something new we are starting this year is a birthday candy poster. Since Lynnlee's birthday comes first in the year she was the first to get a candy poster.

We had chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and orange juice for her birthday breakfast. It was a school day and she was excited to celebrate in class and give her classmates little squishy animals. Her teacher gave her a cute birthday treat cup and she got birthday cards from her classmates.

Marshall checked her out for lunch and they went to Olive Garden.

That afternoon Lynnlee played with a friend. For dinner we had her favorite, cheesy chicken rollups, mashed potatoes and green beans. 

It was a busy night with Taggart, Sienna, James and I having plans. Marshall took Lynnlee to a movie for tradition and Kaden was lucky to tag along. They saw Tom and Jerry the movie. Perfect movie for them because they have loved Tom and Jerry ever since watching it at "Uncle" Lew's place in St. George six years ago.

The next day was Lynnlee's friend birthday party. Llamas were the theme and then we played lots of minute to win it type of games: cookie face, balloon stomp, marshmallow stacking with no hands, unwrap a Hershey kiss and starburst in your mouth and bingo, because every kid loves bingo!

We also played a game called Wink Assassin. It was really simple and really fun.

Donut on a string was Lynnlee's most favorite. 

We had llama cupcakes for the treat. Thank you Pinterest for the idea.

The next day Bonnie's and Beckie's families came for dinner. Bonnie's family brought Lynnlee this cute mini backpack. Katelyn had a mini backpack also so we had to get a picture of them together.