Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Random Photo Dump

 Time for random photos post.

Not sure how to caption this first photo...

Chewie is at his full size....10 lbs! Nice that Tag can carry him and I can carry both of them.

This is how primary looks during a pandemic. Normally they get to sit on the couch but this day they were all being crazy so I made them sit on chairs. Primary is usually a little rough with everyone fighting over who gets to hold Chewie. I will be so happy when primary starts back up again at our ward building!

Lynnlee made these glasses out of melty beads.
James likes to make rubber band bracelets to keep his hands busy while on a zoom meeting. He has quite the stash now after so many zoom meetings!
Chewie is treated like a baby and the kids love wrapping him in his blanket.
Every once in awhile Chewie loves being held like a baby. I snuggled with him while I worked one afternoon.
I think Taggart is the only one who can fit his feet in cereal boxes. Pretty random discovery!
When we see Chewie like this we all say, "Ohhhh, he's so cute!!"
Chewie and his friend Birdie.