Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Tubing at Soldier Hollow

Katie brought Sid, Mir, and Brigs with her when she visited for her birthday. We squeezed in a lot of cousin time in five days.


We went to Soldier Hollow. We got more "excitement" than we bargained for. It was really warm when the sun was out and then we got there and the sun had just gone down. I heard someone leaving from the session before us mention it was icy. Sure enough we saw tubers coming down and crashing through all of the barriers at the bottom of the hill. It totally freaked me out. Thankfully the workers were aware of the ice and had all of the tubers wait while they groomed all of the runs. They instructed everyone to drag their boots and stop at a certain point near the end of the run. That helped a lot and I had a few good runs with the minis.

 By the end of the session it was icy again and you really had to drag your boots at the bottom to slow down and stop before the barrier. My boots looked like shredded tire from dragging them to slow down. It was so scary and crazy at times.
I thought this conveyor belt would be great instead of the rope tow but it was very tricky to hold my tube and one of the minis tube while staying in the center of the belt. During our first time up Sienna's  tube slid off the belt slightly and got pinned next to one of the fence posts. It blocked us and everyone behind us from moving up. The belt kept going and everyone was piling up behind us. It was madness for about thirty seconds until it came unpinned with the help of a guy behind us. It was really embarrassing! I really missed the old rope tow!

We had donuts and hot chocolate in the parking lot at the end of our session.