Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Moving Day

We closed Thursday morning on our new house. We planned on getting the keys later that day but thankfully we got them at closing. We immediately started moving in right after. The weather was great Thursday. The forecast was stormy Thursday night and Friday. We wanted to get as much done as we could before the storm. We were amazed how many people came from our ward to help us move. Even with changing the moving time at the last minute we still had lots of help. We had most of the house moved over in 2 hours! By the time the storm rolled in we were unpacking and done with being outside. Huge thanks to Ali and Dan for installing our blinds and frosting my bathroom window. Huge thanks to Beckie’s family for putting beds together and making them. It was so nice sleeping in our beds after a long day.

I unpacked most the kitchen Thursday night. I was so tired and when I thought about moving everything from the garage and shed I wanted to throw up. Thankfully I felt refreshed after a good nights sleep was was ready for more moving Friday morning.

We are almost done with moving the garage and shed stuff. Then cleaning will happen and we’ll hand off the keys later this week.