Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Memorial Day

 I haven't spent a lot of memorial days visiting a cemetery but I feel like it is important. I know I remember my relatives who have passed on and I know they aren't there at the cemetery. I feel like it's the action that shows that we are remembering them on a weekend set apart for remembering them. 

Sunday afternoon we met Betsy and my parents at the Salt Lake cemetery to visit the graves of aunt Pat, and G&G Jarvis. It was a nice day. We enjoyed sharing memories. My mom brought some chocolate popcorn to snack on. It was really nice.

Monday we went to Manila Pond to do some kayaking and paddle boarding. Chewie even got to go with us. He didn't seem to mind sitting on my lap in the kayak as I paddled around the pond. Betsy joined us. We had a fun time. We had picnic lunches. The kids had fun playing in the sand. 
Kade's friend Dash came too and they spend the time fishing. They each caught a fish. Kade through this one back after the picture was taken.
Our friends the Leland's came too and brought this awesome inflatable unicorn. It was huge!
That night we grabbed Chick-Fil-A for dinner and then watched the new Little Mermaid. It was good. No hidden messages, beautiful singing, effects and overall good acting. We all enjoyed spending time together.