Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Soccer Season Wrap Up

 Everyone wrapped up their spring soccer season through out the month of May. James started off only getting the minimum time of five minutes per game. Then by the end he was playing most of the game. It was really exciting and fun to watch him improve.

Kade enjoyed his coaches and teammates. Also he improved his goalie skills a lot. 
Lynnlee played with the same group of girls for two years. They improved a lot. They went from not ever winning to winning a few games. 
Taggart's team was tested a lot this season. They played against more challenging teams so it pushed them. 
Kade's coach formed a team with some players from his team and another team to play at State Cup. They won their first game by a lot. The second game they lost and then the last game they lost by a lot. I'm getting to the point where I can see the value in playing harder teams, even if it means losing. As a player you learn a lot by being challenged versus beating other teams by a lot. 
Sienna has found a great group of girls to play with. They won all of their games except for two. Their coach is positive and fun. They team did well and had fun. It was a good vibe. 
The coach dressed up in the team colors for the last few games.