Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Rose's 38th Birthday

I had the best birthday weekend. I got to do some shopping. Lynnlee loves shopping so she came with me and helped me decide what to get. Then we had dinner at Chili's. Chain restaurants get a bad wrap but I like them. You know what you are going to get and I think the quality of the food is great. 

Kade loved the food and this was the face he made to show how satisfied he was.
Sunday was a busy day with meetings and ward conferences. Plus it was fast Sunday so my family was off the hook for the morning. 
That afternoon we celebrated May birthdays at Ali's. We had marry me chicken which is a new favorite main dish. Mmmmm! Then my mom made white Texas sheetcake. 
This was a cupcake Lynnlee made for me and I got this at home for my birthday.
I'm so excited about my new Garmin smart watch from Marshall. My Fit Bit broke while we were in Puerto Rico. I love tracking my steps and exercise so having a Garmin is perfect! Marshall did a great job. 
It was the best birthday weekend. I felt very loved!