Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


And she's off!

Lynnlee was able to come off the ventilator this afternoon! She is so strong and it's nice to have good news to end the day.

Many have asked how we are holding up through all of this. We are doing well. Obviously it's not always easy. We have our good days and not as good days. Marshall is the positive, strong one to get me through the not as good days. I just have to remember that it's all about baby steps. We'll get through this one day at a time.

Thanks to family and friends who watch James during the day so we can be at the hospital. Then we come home at night and spend a few hours with James before his bedtime. This schedule has helped me to feel normal. It's such a blessing to live close enough to Primary Childrens so that we can come home every night.

Thanks again for all of your prayers!