Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Birth Story and Update

I've been wanting to write an update but we've been so busy going from the U of U to Primary's that I haven't had a chance.

Here's the birth story:
Wednesday night and into Thursday morning I contracted like crazy. I couldn't sleep because they were so uncomfortable. I had an appointment Thursday morning so we decided to wait until then to drive to Salt Lake. When they checked me at my appointment I was dilated to a 5 and contracting. They hooked me up to the monitor for the afternoon and my contractions slowly went away. They were afraid to send me home since it's a 45 minute drive. They decided to keep me for the night to see if anything happened.

That whole night I contracted but my water never broke. When the doctor checked me Friday morning I was dilated to a 6. At that point I was admitted to the Labor and Delivery floor. I received an epidural, started pitocin and they broke my water. This was all around 2:00pm. It wasn't until 9:00 when I was ready to start pushing. Talk about slow progressing since I was already a 6 at 11:30 that morning. I pushed from 9:30 until 10:30 and then she was born. She was 8 lbs. 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long. She out did James. (James was 8 lbs. 9 ounces and 19 inches) My kids just like to be born at night I guess. James was born at 10:19 pm.

My room was right next to the NICU. There is even a window from my room to the NICU. As soon as she came out Marshall was able to help cut the cord and then they passed her through the window to the NICU nurse.

They stabilized her fast and then transported her to Primary Children's. Marshall was able to go with. They did an echocardiogram of her heart that and saw her heart defect which is called Tricuspid Atresia. So far for her heart defect she has experienced the best case scenario. She has had great oxygen levels and is able to breathe on her own without extra oxygen or a breathing tube. Her heart rate is normal. I attribute this to everyone's prayers! Thank you! Our prayers have been answered!

We were concerned about her pulmonary artery being big enough but our prayers were answered and it is very big. In fact it is so big that they might need to do a surgery in a few weeks to restrict the size. (Little did we know it could be too big) So now we are praying that it can be the right size and she won't have to have surgery in a few weeks.

She will for sure need surgery around 4-6 months of life and 3 years of age. These surgeries will help fix her heart defect and help her to live a normal life.

I was released from the U of U so today so we were able to spend most of the day with her at Primary's. She is eating ok. She is so sleepy and not wanting to eat too much. When she does eat she spits it back up so we are praying that this problem will work itself out. Today they put in a feeding tube to put the food in more slowly to see if that helped and it did a little bit.

Tomorrow (Monday) she has another echocardiogram. If the doctors are happy with what they see then she might be able to come home!

Thank you for all of your prayers! I hope all this made sense. It's late and I'm a little sleep deprived. I will continue to update when I can.