Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Monday with Lynnlee

We thought we might be able to bring Lynnlee home today but when we got to Primary's today we found out they want to keep her atleast until Wednesday.

They were going to do an echocardiogram today but decided to move it until tomorrow. They want her heart to have another day to grow and change. So tomorrow she'll have an echocardiogram and MRI of her brain. You might wonder why an MRI of her brain. Well, she has a little birth mark on her right cheek and sometimes it can be linked to nerves in the brain, her eyes, and a couple of other things. They are just going to check things out and make sure everything is ok. An eye doctor checked her eyes today and said they looked great.

She's eating better. She was able to keep more food down so that is good.

We are learning that the doctors definitely know what's best for her. I know that sounds funny but we didn't want her to have to have surgery right off but we learned differently. The doctor told us today that they will most likely put a band on her pulmonary artery which will help her in the long run. We want what is best for her so I guess if that is what they need to do then we'll pray that she can get through this surgery whenever it may be.

All of her doctors are going to meet together on Wednesday and discuss what is best and when it's best. So she will either be having surgery this week before we bring her home or we will bring her home for a week or two and then she'll go back for surgery.

Pretty much by Wednesday we should have a better outlook on everything. I just have to keep reminding myself to stay positive and it will all work out. She's a tough little girl!