Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


False Alarm

We had a false alarm yesterday. I had been contracting since Saturday night and the contractions were becoming uncomfortable and regular. It's not a secret, but many don't know that our soon to be baby girl has a heart defect. I will be having her at the U of U so she can be seen by specialists right after birth. This makes it tricky on knowing when to go to the hospital. It's a 45 minute drive from American Fork.

At my last check up I was dilated to a 3 and 70% effaced. After sacrament meeting we decided to go to the U of U so I could be checked and monitored. When we got there I was dilated to a 4 and having steady contractions. Nothing changed after an hour and a half though. They told me to go walking for two hours and then come back. We walked all around the U of U, Primary's and the U of U campus. I was exhausted after. When they checked me again I was still a 4 and my contractions were slowing. Needless to say they sent us back home. Gotta love false alarms! I was lucky with James because my water broke so I knew for sure when to go to the hospital. My induction date is set for March 28th but who knows if she'll wait until then to come.