Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


Double Double

Having twins is fun but it's definitely double the work. They eat 7 times a day so I am feeding babies 14 times a day. When they sleep at night they are very fussy and switch off which one is fussy. It's like they have plotted against me and take turns each hour being fussy. Just when you think the one is settled the other gets fussy and back and forth. I had them sleeping together but now I have moved them to their own cribs hoping they will won't wake each other up so much.

I used to do laundry once a week and now I am doing wash every other day and sometimes every day. This is the pile of burp cloths and it isn't even all of them. We go through 14 burp cloths a day. They are both spitty and get the burp cloth fairly dirty with each feeding so we usually get a new one for the next feeding.

We use about 18-26 diapers a day. I spend a total of 70 minutes pumping every day and 7 hours feeding. (Each feeding takes about an hour) 

I've gotten good at holding these two different ways so I can carry them at the same time. This way is the hardest but nice to burp them at the same time.