Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


James's 6th

James turned 6 this month! It was fun to see how excited he was leading up to his birthday. Then the night before he couldn't fall asleep because he was so excited. I told him to stay in bed in the morning so he could have breakfast in bed. That morning he woke up and patiently stayed in bed until Kaden and Lynnlee woke up. Then we all went in and sang Happy Birthday and he was so happy. Then he asked us what took us so long. It made us laugh because I don't blame him for being impatient. He had to wait all year for this.

He opened his presents in bed and then played with them all morning.

That afternoon he got to take a friend with him to Hang Time. He chose Camden and then of course the rest of us went too. Everyone had a good time!

He wanted to go to dinner at the Peanut Place a.k.a. Texas Roadhouse. Yum! Grandma and Grandpa Lowry joined us. It was nice to have their help. The Minis slept the whole time but the olders took about 2 trips each to the bathroom. Marshall and I switched off taking them. It was nice to have extra hands around while one of us was at the restroom. The staff gave a birthday shout out to James and he got to sit on the saddle. It was cute watching him yell "Yee Haw" in his loudest kid voice.

The Minis stayed asleep in their car seats.

After dinner went home for cake and ice cream. Leave it to me to forget to buy candles. We had a number one and five candles so we used our addition skills to make 6.

It's always funny when you want to take a pictures of your child and you ask him to smile and these are the different expressions you get. I liked what Marshall said, James is trying out his 6-year-old face.