Lowry Family Life

Lowry Family Life


One Random Day

There is a place in Orem that sells British food and I've always wanted to check it out. When my aunt lived in London she always brought us the best treats so I wanted to see what this store had. My mom and I checked it out a few weeks ago after taking Tag to get suctioned. I could have bought everything there but limited it to just a few treats. Smarties in England are nothing like the Smarties here. They are more like M&Ms but way better.

That afternoon I helped Lynnlee and Kaden build a tiny snowman with the patch of snow left in our front yard. This sums up about the only time we played in the snow all winter. Even though I would have liked to go skiing, I really enjoyed the warm winter. I didn't mind that we didn't get to go sledding and have snow ball fights this year.

At bedtime we were entertained by James and Lynnlee. They were pretending to be bugs.